We provide a range of ancillary tools and information to complement our products.

ValvoTools is a simple viewer for scattering parameter measurement data. The tool supports any number of ports as long as the data is contained in a valid Touchstone® file like .s2p or .snp.
ValvoTools provides some basic features:
- Frequency domain charts
- Smith charts
- Numerical view
- Marker and limits
- Automatic phase shift
For questions and suggestions regarding the tool, feel free to contact us at
ValvoTools Standalone
The standalone version of ValvoTools comes with the required Matlab Runtime Version already baked in. The installer will automatically setup the Matlab R2017a Runtime Version on your system in addition to ValvoTools.
All rights reserved.
ValvoTools Webinstaller
The application requires the Matlab runtime with version R2017a or later. You can download the free Matlab Runtime Version directly from MathWorks.
Application Notes
Microwave Techniques GmbH provides a growing library of technical information. To date, the following application notes are available:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This paper gives an overview over the working principle of a circulator and some basic concepts involved. The subject is presented for a reader without prior knowledge in RF design.
The functioning principle of an isolator is presented on an entry level.
Isolation Measurment
This paper collects some basic formulas for the measurement of the isolation of a circulator or isolator.
VReturn Loss Measurement
An overview over the return loss, specified as standing wave ratio or reflection coefficient.
Insertion Loss Measurement
This application note gives a brief overview over the measurement of the insertion loss.